Welcome to Corbei Art!

Corbei Art is the name through which we are selling the artwork my Grandfather has collected over many, many, years. The collection he has amassed is vast and reflects both his passion for art and his addiction to collecting it. It is a mammoth task to undertake, however it is also very interesting and a privilege to boot.

This website will be updated with paintings of note which have been discovered. Paintings of regional or historic importance, or that of artists of renown.

So if a painting of interest to you should appear here then there is a reasonable chance that you might find yourself being directed to this site by a helpful person who has sought out interested parties in the hope of finding a good home for the  painting concerned.

Please check regularly for updated items and if you require any further information or further images please us the 'Contact Us' form.

We also sell artwork via ebay:  http://www.ebay.co.uk/corbei_art/html